EMDs are gold

Here are a few good ones...

I recently got a bit obsessed with exact match domains (EMDs).

They are incredibly powerful.

Most people don’t bother with them because they heard once that Google devalues EMDs. That was me up until recently.

But I can’t ignore the overwhelming evidence that EMDs still work.

(In case you weren’t aware, exact match domains mean a domain that matches a given keyword exactly. So for the keyword “chicago plumbers”, the EMD would be chicagoplumbers .com. Simple.)

If you still aren’t convinced EMDs help you rank better for your target keyword, I present you with the following:

I could keep going, but hopefully that’s enough to make you at least start to question what you’ve heard from Google or SEOs who haven’t actually tested it.

I recently went down the rabbit hole and found some very juicy EMDs available to hand register for 9 bucks.

Many of which are even better than EMDs listed for $1,000+.

For example:

grandrapidsmovers .com

Grand Rapids is a city of nearly 200,000 people.

The keyword “grand rapids movers” has a search volume of 1,000/mo, and a CPC of $6.56.

This is the EMD I was referring to in my tweet yesterday, in case you’re wondering:

It may or may not still be available once you read this. I’m sure someone will snag it real quick. I promise it was available to hand register at the time of writing this email.

Another crazy good EMD that’s available at the time of writing this is:

caloricdeficitcalculator .com

Just check out those metrics!

Absolutely amazing. The keyword “caloric deficit calculator” has a search volume of 9,400, is perfect for simple online tool site, and yet the EMD is still available!

These are some particularly good examples, but I have many more.

You can see another currently available EMD by signing up for my brand-new newsletter, EMD Gold.

EMD GoldAvailable Exact Match Domains

You’ll see it in the welcome email.

If you sign up for a premium plan, you’ll get a list of available EMDs sent to you on the first of every month.

If you invest in domain names or build rank and rent sites, EMD Gold will be a… well… goldmine. 😄

Everyone gets the same list, so set your alarm to be first to see it. I’ll send the email at 4pm CST, July 1st. If it wasn’t clear, this is only for premium subscribers of EMD Gold.

Anyway, hope this email was inspiring and tipped you off on the power of EMDs if you weren’t already aware.

Thanks for reading,



This is the first time I’ve mentioned EMD Gold. Early bird gets the worm. If you subscribe to a premium plan after July 1st, the first list of available EMDs you’ll get will be on August 1st.


I’m working on a major update to Site Stats Database where I’ll add over 100,000 new sites, and better + more recent traffic data. Because of the scale of this update, it’s taking me a bit longer than I thought. I expect to have it done early-mid July. Reminder that the lifetime plan will no longer be available once the update is live, so get it now if you don’t want to miss out.

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