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- How I find available EMDs
How I find available EMDs
No one else teaches this...
Exact match domains (EMDs) are a cheat code when it comes to ranking for local or low competition keywords.
And yes, they still work marvelously well in late 2024:
When someone asks if an exact match domain still help with SEO, just look at DataAnalyst․com
Low domain authority, barely any backlinks, and yet it ranks in the top 3 results when people are searching for:
data analyst jobs
data jobs
data analyst job#SEO#buildinpublic
— Alex (@AlexejKirillov)
1:50 PM • Nov 24, 2024
For this search query "beaches asia" appears on 6th page ~ [beaches .asia]
reg. 2 days ago
automated contentIt proves 'exact match' domain still works in SEO. Imagine if 1000 pages content generated for this domain, results will be great! Time for Adsense.
#businessidea— Rajesh Kumar (@domainxq)
3:18 PM • Nov 26, 2024
✅ Rank position 1 for digital pr tips
Getting that first spot after just over a month is pretty cool. Obviously the exact match domain helps a lot but I thought it would take a little longer to get it (watch it drop back down now I've posted this 🥲).
— Matt Seabridge (@ilikeyoumatt)
3:42 PM • Nov 18, 2024
Because EMDs are so powerful, they are also good investment opportunities:
Here we go ..
New Sales Shared by my Middle East/North African followers students of Arab Domain Academy.
All Sold Via outbound with a Short Holding time .
Geo Namaes and Exact Match Domains are Easy to sell to sell Via outbound
Huge congratulations to Sellers 💪💪
— Ayoub Kehel (@KehelAyyoub)
12:51 AM • Oct 14, 2024
Seriously, “VirginiaHomeRenovations .com” sold for $100 and “DenverHandymanService .com” sold for $85!?
I’ve literally found thousands of available EMDs as good or better than these and can find thousands more in less than an hour. Of course, selling is the hard part….
But I don’t necessarily find EMDs to flip for a profit.
I find them to build websites on. (and to share with EMD Gold subscribers).
For example, I found the EMD “AestheticFontGenerator.com” and built a site on it, which now receives a trickle of traffic every day.
“aesthetic font generator” gets searched an estimated 40,500 times every month.
And the EMD I found had been registered in the past, so it already had a Domain Authority of 5.

I’ve actually found tens of thousands of high-quality, available EMDs.
Like these, which all have a Moz Domain Authority in the double-digits:

A few available EMDs I’ve found with double-digit Domain Authority
These are worth far more than the ~$10 registration fee.
I’ve also found thousands of EMDs that are perfect for online tool sites, many of which have search volumes of 100,000 or more:

The search volumes for some available EMDs I’ve found
It’s a lot of fun to find business opportunities by looking at available EMDs.
For example, the EMD “DragonNameGenerator .com” is available (at the time of writing).
"dragon name generator” gets searched 18,100 times per month.
This is crazy. Let me tell you why.
Earlier this year, the site “HorseNameIdeas .com” took off, getting over 30,000 monthly visitors from Google at its peak.
“horse name ideas” only gets searched 1,600 times per month. “Horse name generator” gets searched 6,600 times per month.
That’s almost 3 times LESS than “dragon name generator”.
Which means the traffic potential for a dragon name generator website is likely about 3 times higher. That would be about 90,000 monthly visitors. Slap some ads on that, and you’d easily make $500-$1,000/mo or more. For a ridiculously easy-to-build site.
I never would have thought of building a dragon name generator site before finding the exact match domain.
And that’s the case for thousands of other easy online tool site ideas I’ve found.
I actually have a list of nearly 100,000 available exact match domains, thousands of which have high search volume.
And many with low search volume are still incredibly valuable, as they have good Moz metrics (DA and PA), or they’re perfect rank and rent opportunities (you don’t need super high search volume to succeed with rank and rent sites).
Do you want to know exactly how I find available EMDs?
If yes, pre-order my course here for a one-time payment of $99 (which is the same as a one month Gold-tier subscription to EMD Gold).
If I get enough pre-orders, I’ll launch the course. If not, I won’t make the course and I’ll refund all pre-orders.
The regular price of the course will be $149, so if you pre-order it, you’ll save fifty bucks.
Pre-ordering is only available today through Thursday, December 5th.
I’m pretty excited to share everything I know in a course, as I’ve developed my own methods which no one else teaches.
I want to show you exactly how I find tens of thousands of available EMDs (in hours, not days), including:
Online tool site EMDs
Rank and rent EMDs
Job board and directory EMDs
“first name last name” EMDs
and more
I want to show you how to get the search volumes for the main keywords (for free).
I want to show you the cheapest way to get Moz DA and PA metrics in bulk for all the EMDs you find (between $0.0025 and $0.0008 per domain, depending on the number of domains you check).
I’ve built up a bank of 100,000 available EMDs I can browse through, and will show you exactly how I did it. By the end of the course, you’ll know all you need to build your own list of 100,000, or even far more. The sky’s the limit.
And in case you’re wondering, the course will be straight and to-the-point. I’ll do my best to keep it free of any fluff, while making sure to leave no stone unturned.
But again, I won’t launch the course if I don’t get enough pre-orders as it won’t be worth my time. So pre-order ASAP (and get $50 off the regular price).
Thanks for reading!