Sharing 100 available EMDs (for free)

Get 'em while they're hot!

In today’s email, I’m sharing 100 high quality available exact match domains.

You can go ahead and register these for $9 or whatever your favorite domain registrar charges.

The reason I’m sharing these for free is because I want to show you what you can expect if you sign up for the Gold plan of my other newsletter, EMD Gold.

Except that instead of 100 EMDs, you’d get 2,000 on the first day of every month.

And starting this month, Gold-level subscribers will get an additional list of 500 available EMDs at a random time during the month.

So, that’s 2K on the first of each month, and 500 more on a random day during the month. Random because it gives a fair (and random) chance to everyone to be the first to see the email.

I’ll send that batch of 500 soon, so if you don’t want to miss it, subscribe to the Gold plan.

One of the domains I’ll share in the batch of 500 has a link from the New York Times. Granted, it’s a comment link, but hey, it’s follow (or dofollow, whatever you wanna call it)!


As you’ll see, most of the domains are perfect for rank and rent sites. Others are good for job boards, others are perfect for online tools, and some are great for domain flipping.

A few of them already have some domain authority and backlinks as they were registered in the past.

Enjoy hunting for treasure! And if you want 25 TIMES that amount of EMDs shared every month, sign up for the Gold plan.

Thanks for reading,


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